Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month: Healthy Habits for Healthy Smiles!

Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month: Healthy Habits for Healthy Smiles!

Did you know that February is National Children’s Dental Health Month? The American Dental Association declared February 8th as Children’s Dental Health Day in 1949, then in 1981 the holiday was extended to month-long observance! At Santa Barbara Children’s Dentistry, we love to celebrate NCDHM alongside our fellow dental professionals. This month-long celebration provides us with the perfect opportunity to educate and promote the benefits of good oral health for children. This year, the American Dental Association’s theme for NCDHM is “Healthy Habits for Healthy Smiles!” In honor of the ADA’s theme, our team at Santa Barbara Children’s Dentistry wants to share some of our most valuable oral hygiene habits to instill in your little ones to promote healthy smiles for a lifetime of dental wellness. Teach them to Brush Twice a Day Healthy smiles start with good brushing habits. Show your children the proper way to brush, using circular motions across each tooth. Make sure they brush for two minutes two times a day with flouride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Set a timer for two minutes or play a fun two minute tune to help your little one brush for the proper amount of time, while also adding some fun to their routine. Remind them to Floss Daily Flossing goes hand-in-hand, but only less than half of our population actually follows through with flossing. Teach your children to floss at an early age so they will continue the habit as they grow. Flossing is a necessary step in your kiddo’s oral hygiene routine because it is responsible for removing food particles and plaque that gets trapped in between teeth. Your child can use traditional wax floss or floss picks to floss after every meal or before they brush their teeth in the evening. Encourage Healthy Eating Habits In order to keep cavities at bay, limit sugary foods and drinks in your child’s diet. Give your kiddos healthy snack options and teach them to opt for nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, and healthy dairy sources. Make eating fun and allow your kids to be involved in creating new healthy snacks. Of course every child loves a sweet treat here and there, so teach them moderation and help set an example of a balanced diet. Promote Hydration Encourage and model proper hydration with your child. Remind them to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially when they are playing sports or other recreational activities. Water helps to regulate the pH levels in our mouths and is also responsible for washing away leftover particles after we eat. Give your kids a water bottle in their favorite color, or allow them to add cool stickers to personalize their water bottle. Make the experience positive and fun to promote good hydration habits. Protect Their Teeth Whenever your child plays sports or participates in recreational activities, make sure they wear the proper appliances to keep their teeth safe from injury. A custom-fit mouthguard will provide the best protection for your little one. Call our office if you have any questions about what appliance is best to protect your child during their favorite activities. We are always happy to help in any way. Lead by Example As you probably know, kids want to mimic everything they see their parents and older siblings doing, and that makes leading by example a crucial part of dental hygiene. If you tell your kids to floss, but then never floss yourself, they’ll hear your actions louder than your words. Brush and floss with your children, and even let them know about your dental check-ups so they can see the correct behavior modeled for them. Visit Our Office Remember to schedule regular dental check-ups with our Santa Barbara Children’s Dentistry team. Start bringing your child in regularly around their first birthday or after you notice their first tooth! Each check-up is important and allows us to monitor your little one’s oral health so we can detect any issues early and take necessary action to correct any problems. At Santa Barbara Children’s Dentistry, we are thrilled to be a part of your child’s journey to a happy and healthy smile, and are always here to answer any questions or concerns that arise. By encouraging these healthy habits for your child and helping them establish a good daily routine, you will set them on the path to a lifetime of good oral health. If you have any questions or need further guidance on promoting oral health for your little ones, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Santa Barbara Children’s Dentistry. Happy National Children’s Dental Health Month!
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