5 Easy Tips to Prepare Your Child for Their First Dental Visit

5 Easy Tips to Prepare Your Child for Their First Dental Visit

Is it time for your child’s first dental appointment? Are you feeling nervous about their first appointment? While your child’s first dental appointment can seem nerve-wracking, it doesn’t have to be! Here are 5 Easy Tips to Prepare Your Child for Their First Dental Visit from Dr. Cox. These 5 simple steps can help you and your child feel comfortable during their first appointment!

1. Tell stories about the dentist

Sharing stories about your previous positive dental experiences can be super helpful to your child. Be open with them and describe what they will see, hear, taste and feel during their time at the dentist. There are several picture books with creative designs and stories that will illustrate the dental experience for your child. Read and share stories with your child as often as possible, and help them see their visit to the dental office as a big adventure!

2. Choose the right appointment time

Help set your child up for success and keep in mind their typical schedule. Avoid scheduling their appointments during or around nap and meal times. Make sure your child will be well-rested and in a good mood when they come to their appointment with Santa Barbara Children’s Dentistry. No one wants to sit in a dental chair when they are sleepy!

3. Bring a comfort toy

Let your child bring a comfort toy to their first appointment. Have them pick out their comfort toy in advance and use that comfort toy to show them the dental exam process. For example, if your child picks a teddy bear as their comfort toy, show them how brave their bear is while he sits in a dental chair and gets his first exam. This will help to show your child what to expect and give them comfort during their appointment.

4. Book as soon as possible

Schedule your child’s first appointment as soon as they get their first tooth or around six months old. This initial visit is just a check up and will help ease your child into the idea of being in the dentist’s chair and get them excited to return!

5. Introduce your dentist as a friend

Help teach your child that Dr. Cox is their friend so they can rest easy each time they go in for a visit. Try playing pretend dentist with your child to help show them the dentist is their friend!

Your child’s first dental experience is vital and will determine their future relationship with us, and in turn, with their oral hygiene. If your child is ready for their first dental visit, call Santa Barbara Children’s Dentistry today to set up your child’s first appointment. We can’t wait to meet them and give them a wonderful dental experience every time!

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